Sunday, December 4, 2016

25th Wedding Anniversary

     Today is our 25the Wedding Anniversary! 
     After being widowed for a couple of years I prayed about a husband.  I prayed that if God didn't want me to remarry that's fine but just in case He did I would like a husband who loved to fish, golf and had no children.  I wanted children of my own.  He also had to be a Christian.  That's all I prayed for.
     About a month later, maybe less, a mutual friend set us up on a blind date.  I had only 1 blind date in my life and it was horrible beyond belief!!  Well, I thought about that date but decided that maybe this time would be better and I would at least make a new friend.
     When I opened the door and saw him my first thought was, "I'm in trouble now!"  Here stood my answer to prayer!  He was everything I prayed for and even more I didn't!
     Six months later we were married.  We married on a Wednesday night after church so anyone who wanted to stay could stay.  I worked there so a lot of people stayed and more friends/family showed up.  The church was decorated for Christmas so it was really a beautiful service. 
     Thank you Lord for answering my prayers more than I could ever think or ask!


  1. Happy anniversary, Linda! I can see the kindness in your hubby's face, so I don't doubt you saw in him the answer to your prayers. You've been blessed!

  2. Happy Anniversary, sorry to hear that you lost your first husband, how wonderful that God blessed you twice!!

  3. Happy anniversary, sweet Linda! Wow, what an amazing story and how dear you are as a couple! Praise God for providing the wonderful family who loves the Lord with you. Wishing you both a blessed and joyous Christmas, sweet friend! Hugs and love! xoxo (P. S. You were featured on the Power Poppy blog on 12/16/16.)


Thanks for such encouraging comments!